Foster Care in Meme Culture

While researching foster care memes, overwhelmingly, I was barraged by jokes and witty comments that correlated more with foster parents than foster children. However, this is still a very good representation of how foster children are seen through the eyes of the media.
Rambunctious, overwhelming and tiring are all words that come to mind when seeing the picture of the old and wrinkled women. This is an attempt at a portrayal that foster parents are usually run down an withered by the crazy children they open their homes to. This manifests the fears that many parents have when considering to house a foster child, the ambiguity of what child will be placed with you is quite daunting for many families.
Meme culture is meant to be widely generalized and at times offensive. When looking up foster care memes it seems that the most predominant are hampering on the humor of wild foster children. This generally destructs the reputation of foster children and adds to the stigma worn by many of these kids seeking a home.
Although memes are meant to be offensively humorous, it speaks true to a stigma that prohibits many families from fostering, therefore, prohibits many children from finding a place to call home.

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